Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Individualistic Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Thursday, August 12, 2010

On Privacy, Secrecy, Security, And "Intelligence"

There has been some disturbing news of late: first, about some trouble between our "security agencies" and the makers of BlackBerry; and second, which is much worse, that the long-awaited 3G services might be delayed until the State Police has its "tapping infrastructure" in place.

Quite frankly, if the State Police ever wanted to see us Indians "secure," they would do something about road traffic safety. More than 1,20,000 people are killed on our roads every year, and many, many more seriously injured. But they have other things on their minds - like "terrorists" and "insurgents." In the meantime, Maoists and Naxals are on the upsurge; Kashmir has spun out of control; and from Gujarat there is crystal clear evidence of the State Police being a bunch of no-good "outlaws."

If we in India desire to become a free market society then it must be emphasized that businesses are based on a great deal of confidentiality. It could be fatal for any business if the competition got hold of its secrets. Thus, "privacy" is all-important for businessmen in a free market society.

Let us now turn our attention to The State - and by this I mean a "government" in a free market society. For one, this kind of government is very different from a Socialist State. The Socialist State imagines itself to be "society." It occupies the "commanding heights"; it "plans" for all; it is omnipotent and omniscient. A classical liberal government in a free market society is not conceived in such totalitarian terms. Such a government is NOT society. Rather, it is just a small "organization" within a vast free society with specific tasks, specific funds, and limited powers. Thus, socialists and classical liberals (like Mises) look upon concepts like State and Society very differently. And these differences in approach are crucial.

Therefore, while in a free market society businessmen must be able to maintain secrecy, it is vital that the small government they have created for the preservation of The Market does not have secrets of its own. Indeed, such a government must be totally transparent. All that it does must be in the open. Today, at least in India, things are the other way around, with The State shrouded in secrecy; and the same State using force to pry into the affairs of all and sundry.

My policy preferences are therefore in favour of complete and total government transparency. And simultaneously, for complete security for every private Individual from intrusion into his private affairs, including especially his business affairs, by agencies of the government.

To conclude: The dysfunctional socialist, centralized State sitting far away in New Delhi is NOT what the "rule of law" is all about. The principle of rule of law, or constitutional government, is that the personnel of this government are UNDER the law, and are forced to follow it. If private people cannot steal and murder, then neither can the personnel of the State. The dysfunctional socialist, centralized State consists of many "intelligence agencies" like IB and R&AW who are totally "above the law." They do as they please. They are a law unto themselves. Even their budgets are kept secret from Parliament. If these agencies are vested with powers and technological capabilities to spy on every citizen, then that would be one more step towards totalitarianism, to the "Big Brother is watching you" scenario. Horrors.

So, be warned, and take all steps necessary to preserve yourself from these spies of The State. Protest against all this nonsense. And demand top class "security" on the roads. Point out that in the entire megapolis of New Delhi there is not a single zebra crossing that works to keep the pedestrian secure. Get these tax parasites to do something called "useful work." The evil scheme they are contemplating is nothing of the sort. It is dirty spying, pure and simple. Spying on free citizens. This should be strongly opposed.

1 comment:

  1. U have my vote sauvik n I finally want to own a blackberry manuwant
