Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Individualistic Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Fascist Threat Is Real - And Everywhere

Today I would like to comment on two speeches: first, Boris Johnson saying that "Gandhi was wrong on urbanisation"; and second, Lew Rockwell's speech on fascism. In the Indian context, I will attempt to link the two - to illustrate the fact that ours too is a fascist State, because Gandhi (and Nehru) were both wrong.

Boris Johnson, Mayor of London (not Lord Mayor of the Olde City), made a speech the other day in which he said that "Gandhi was wrong in stating in 1948 that India's future lay in its villages as the country's future actually was in its cities."

In other words, Gandhi was blind to the "division of labour" - which is specialisation, and which is maximised in towns and cities, for even tea shops cannot run in sparsely populated villages. 

Now, when we specialise in the division of labour and perform services for each other "society" is formed. Gandhian "self-sufficient village economies" where each spins his own yarn is NOT a vision of "civilised society": indeed, it can be called "anti-social." And then, of course, Nehruvian socialism is anti-social as well, something we can see only now, when it may be too late. Now, fascism is upon us. If the UPA goes, the BJP comes in - and fascism will intensify.

What is fascism: Over to Lew Rockwell's excellent and timely speech, full text here. Lew lists 8 points as to what fascism is all about:

1.The government is totalitarian because it acknowledges no restraint upon its powers.

2. Government is a de facto dictatorship based on the leadership principle.

3. Government administers a capitalist system with an immense bureaucracy.

4. Producers are organized into cartels in the way of syndicalism. This includes workers as well as manufacturers. Consumers get screwed. The free market is, on the other hand, where the "consumer is king."

5.  Economic planning is based on the principle of autarky.

6. Government sustains economic life through spending and borrowing.

7. Militarism is a mainstay of government spending.

8. Military spending has imperialist aims.

Lew says the USSA and much of the world is fascist in this sense. 

What about India?

Each one of the 8 points holds true for our country.

The reason is because Gandhi and Nehru both got it completely wrong. They said "socialism" - but they did not know what society is. They thought the State and the Party and the Leader are all society. They did not know what "civilisation" was - cities and towns, where markets happen and trade occurs. They destroyed urban India - and dreamed of a rural utopia. Thus, they destroyed the "civil service" and made it "bureaucracy": all socialist and interventionist "administrators," the "mammaries of the welfare state."

And now, they have paved the way for the BJP and their "communal hatred." Internal wars will result. Things will get worse.

Hope? The only hope we have is:


Lew ends with these stirring words from Mises:

In the long run even the most despotic governments with all their brutality and cruelty are no match for ideas. Eventually the ideology that has won the support of the majority will prevail and cut the ground from under the tyrant's feet. Then the oppressed many will rise in rebellion and overthrow their masters.
In the USSA, revolution is in the air. They are storming Wall Street - but some smarter folk are storming the US Fed. Washington DC is being "occupied."

In our country, INFLATION is killing. The RBI must be attacked. Welfarism must be ended. The Police and the Military establishments must get FUCKED where 1000 people die or are seriously injured on the ROAD every single day.


(Part 2 of this post can be read here.)

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