Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Individualistic Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

For a New Lhasa... in Canada

Why can't the Americans be more like the Canadians – especially in foreign policy matters?

Why is there a 'Great American Dream' but no 'Great Canadian Dream'?

Probably because the Canadians aren't asleep.

Looks like the Americans definitely are – or their 'democratic government' wouldn't be so out-of-control.

PJ O'Rourke's Parliament of Whores takes a close look at democracy in the US – and the reader comes out horrified. Of course, the title defames whores, who do not f*** you by force. Governments do. O'Rourke's great book should have been titled Parliament of Rapists.

(Incidentally, he is foreign affairs editor of Rolling Stone magazine – so all you rockers out there should read all his books.)

But what of Canada? What can Canada do that will ease the Tibet crisis?

I suggest that the Canadian government invite the Dalai Lama and his entire flock to set up a great big Tibetan city in Canada. They are screwed in India - just visit Majnu ka Tila in Delhi and see for yourself. My last post discussed the horrible Tibetan refugee camp in Kushalnagar. There is no chhung for Tibetans in India – and chhung was surely invented long before the Buddha was born. They are also screwed in China – and Lhasa is not the same any more.

So why not build a New Lhasa (with a New Potala Palace) in some frozen part of Canada?

Buddhists are trained to be detached from the material world. What could be a more material attachment than that to some piece of earth and some stones? So build anew, Tibetans. Make a New Utopia. And make sure there is lots of chhung in it.

Canada will gain – a new city with a few golden temples, peopled by migrants who are skilled traders, craftsmen, artisans, cooks and brewers; and who are possessed of a deep morality.

How will the polar bear react to the yak? Now that's another question.

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