Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Individualistic Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Monday, May 3, 2010

Liberty Matters More Than Education

As Friedrich Hayek pointed out, in a market economy, knowledge is "fragmented." Each participant comes to market with his own little bit of knowledge - and much of this knowledge is not formally acquired. As the classic song goes:

Never learnt to read or write so well,
But he could play his guitar like a-ringing the bell.

Thus, for a really poor kid, all that he needs is knowledge in one specialized area. This can be easily acquired by apprenticeship. What he does NOT need is COMPULSORY "generalized education" for 10 years, during which he is prevented from entering the market, and further prevented from learning useful things.

Thus, compulsory Total Chacha State education is harmful for the poor.

What they really need is Liberty.

First, the Liberty to escape school and learn whatever one wants to. I met a kid the other day here in Goa who had dropped out of school and was learning the art of baking from the local baker. He said that all school gets you is a government job. He didn't want to end up a tax parasite after 10 years of school. Good kid. I congratulated him on his wisdom.

Second, the Liberty to compete with adults in jobs. The prohibition of young people from jobs, in the name of "child labour," is harmful for poor kids. As Sudha Shenoy said, referring to India's low life expectancy:

Where life ends early, it must begin early.

Wise words, indeed.

Third, a Free Market enlarges opportunities for all, including poor kids who have specialized knowledge. Thus, a license-free regime for bars and pubs is essential for kids who have learnt music and dance - and not learnt how to read and write. Let us not forget that unlettered blacks in the USSA made it big in music, entertainment and sports. There should be IPL-type scenarios in every sport - not just cricket. Further, every Indian city should be a New Orleans. Thus, Liberty matters.

People who know only how to read and write have always been poor - look at the "scribes" of yore, or the Malayalee stenographers. Kerala has high "literacy" but is poor.

Chacha Manmohan S Gandhi is promoting free and COMPULSORY education only in order to fuck the minds of the entire population. He should be put in his place - the naked propagandist and State Agent.

Say "NO" to Chacha-style education.

And raise a toast for Liberty.


What a sweet word.

[This is the third of a four-part series on Liberty. You can read the others by clicking on the "Liberty" label on the right-hand bar,]

1 comment:

  1. I went through the entire blog and really enjoyed this piece. Just the thought "Free Education" conjures up such wonderful images. Its like that mouth water inducing sensation you get at the idea of learning something new or the rush of excitement and just looking at things from a different perspective
