Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Individualistic Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Saturday, June 5, 2010

India: Stifled By Baboons

BBC has a news report that says that India's bureaucracy is the "most stifling in the world." I got the news from - and their story contains this damning fact about the report that nails our baboons:

The report ranks bureaucracies across Asia on a scale from one to 10, with 10 being the worst possible score. India scored 9.41.

This should be a cause for widespread revolt. Not only are all our cities and towns a mess; not only is our countryside devoid of clear property titles - on top of all this, our baboons are going about hassling entrepreneurs.

The root cause of all this is their "miseducation" at the IAS Academy in Mussoorie. It is the continued teaching of the "commanding heights" and "central planning" doctrines that is responsible for this mess. Our baboons think that they have a role in economic affairs. This is what their professors of Economics teach them. These professors should be fired.

Actually, what Economics really teaches is that the government has NO ROLE to play in economic affairs. If the IAS Academy wants to reform its ways, they should carefully study Ludwig von Mises' little pamphlet on "interventionism." Mises proved that interventionism is worse than socialism. Interventionism ultimately destroys the market economy; it makes people poorer.

This is completely true with regards to India. All the central planners and all the PSUs do not cause as much damage as our meddlesome baboons.

There is plenty of good work to be done by our bureaucracy if they want to do good work: they could look after cities and towns; they could provide the nation with clear land titles; they could be public magistrates looking after law and order and preventing violent acts - but they must stop there. Mises also wrote a little book called Bureaucracy that sketched out the limits of this mode of organization. This book has been published in India by Liberty Institute. You can find the pdf here.

So there is lots for our baboons to read and mull over.

In the meantime, citizens should consider revolting.

Overthrow these corrupt and ignorant rulers.

Institute a "private law society."

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