Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Individualistic Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Against The Passport-Visa Regime

Visa scams are a regular feature of life in India - and there are visa touts aplenty in Nude Elly - but the scam I found today in the Express occurred in the USSA, in California, and was committed by an educational institution; that too, mainly on Indian students.

On this touchy subject, my song is the one Bob Marley sang:

Oh why can't we roam,
This open country?
Why can't we be
What we want to be? -
We want to be Free.

Surely, there are better ways of proving one's identity to a foreign State official than a passport? Even an International Driving License is better. And as for the visa - why should a local cop be perturbed if a stranger in town is spending his money in the bars and pubs, and in the high-street shops, armed with a credit card called Visa that guarantees not only his identity but also his economic worth; that is, his credit-worthiness? Why do these have to be counter-checked by a tax-funded bureaucRAT (white-skinned) in an embassy? These embassy-based visa bureaucRATS - the rudest of their ilk on the planet - are the cause of all these scams.

Let us not entertain arguments over "community" and how immigrants "do not integrate" themselves into this mythical social entity. The urban market economy has nothing to do with community; rather, it is individualistic. Immigrants must integrate themselves in the "division of labour" alone, and it can never be reasonably expected of them that they must integrate themselves with a mythic host community.

Further, the chief advantage of the urban market catallaxy is that it enables gainful trades between complete strangers. As tourism is the world's largest industry these days, more strangers in every nation is a great idea, for it would give this great industry - which is all about holidays and good times - a boost.

The real reasons for the continuation of the passport-visa regime by Western nations lie elsewhere - in their desire to keep out cheap labour, in order to favour trade unions. This backfires on them - as with every single instance of interventionism - for their own citizens cannot consume labour services any more; no more gardeners and maids for them. And their exports dwindle too - because high labour costs make them uncompetitive.

If we look at the Western nations of Europe - they are all linguistically homogeneous, excepting Switzerland. This homogeneity made them nation-states, nothing else. Thus they came by nationalistic chauvinism. And proceeded to hate "outsiders." Hitler was the worst of the lot - but there are many others, from Enoch Powell (see his "rivers of blood" speech) in Britain to Jean-Marie Le Pen's Shiv Sena-like anti-outsiderism in France.

In India, every city is a melting-pot - there are multiple communities, multiple languages, multiple religions. Let us endeavour to keep things that way. In our neighbouring area, there are lots and lots of poor people, who want to come here for various reasons: to work and integrate in the division of labour - like the ubiquitous Nepali chowkidar; to obtain medical attention - as with Afghanis and Africans; or to get themselves some educational "degree" - as with many youngsters from Africa and the Middle East; and finally, as genuine tourists. I would insist that they do not hurt us in any way by coming into our country. 

So let them come freely. Let us be the first to dismantle this horrendous passport-visa regime created by the West - as an example to them. 

The Mughal Emperor was also called Jehanpanah or "Refuge of the World" - and this was "fiscally rational" policy, because if someone escaped the clutches of the Shah of Persia and settled in Mughal territory, the Mughal Exchequer would gain. What better way to tax Bangladeshis other than letting them settle freely in India? To spend tax revenues to keep prospective taxpayers out - which is what the West is doing these days - is "irrational." It is absurd. And it goes against the "sentiment" engraved upon an international monument.

The poem by Emma Lazarus inscribed on the Statue of Liberty in New York is titled The New Colossus, and goes thus: 

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land,
Here at our sea-washed, sunset-gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome
, her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin-cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she,
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore;
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The Statue itself was a gift from the people of France. The money was raised through holding a public lottery - that is, it was built on gambling money.

In the meantime, The USSA is no longer the "golden door": since Nixon, the US dollar remains just paper debt piling up and losing value with every passing day. When you read debates over free immigration there, the only defenders of the regime are those who wish to avail themselves "social security benefits" while denying these to outsiders.

Reminds me of the story of the first Muslims of this world, who fled with their Prophet from Mecca to Medina. There, the local inhabitants rushed out to greet them, offering every hospitality - and even the Prophet encouraged this bonhomie, saying, "Fraternise in Allah."

But these, the first Muslims, would have none of it, and said, in one voice:

Show us the Way to the Market,
And we will make our Way by Working.

Who the fuck wants "social security" from some foreign State anyway?

Central Asia, once part of the USSR, has disintegrated today - and each nation-state has established its own passport-visa regime, thereby hurting traditional itinerant businessmen. No more "Silk Route."

Yes, the passport-visa regime must go - and Indyeah should take the lead.

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