A Deutsche Bank report just reached me, warning of recession in the USSA. But their analysis is based on "consumer spending" - and this might suggest to many that another "stimulus" is required from the Fed.
This displays ignorance of Say's Law of Markets.
Lagarde spoke of the need for the G-20 to get together and do what they did last time - and I could have cried out loud. That time the G-20 nations inflated their currencies along with the US Fed, which is what "central bank co-ordination" is all about, and which is why the crisis is so widespread today. Nick Gowing, on his part, asked for "more decisive political leadership."
This, too, displays ignorance of Say's Law of Markets.
Supply creates its own demand.
So, let us think things through:
The supply of plasma TVs does not create the demand for plasma TVs. Yet, if cars sell, if jeans sell, if shoes sell, and if beer sells - then, and only then, will some people from these latter industries be tempted to buy a plasma TV. Thus, what Say's Law actually means is:
The sale of X gives rise to the demand for all non-X.
If X sells, it creates the demand for all non-competing goods.
There is another reason for this: If you ask The State to inject a monetary stimulus, all that will happen is another boom-bust cycle - and inflation. The entire economy will be hurt, including yourself, and including all those who do not compete with you.
On the other hand, if you want those industries that do not compete with you to do well, you will NOT favour loose monetary policies based on the false idea of boosting consumption. Rather, you will realise the importance of SAVING and INVESTMENT. You will realise that these businessmen who do not compete with you will need to save and invest - in order to produce. You will favour "capital accumulation" and despise "capital consumption" - which is Keynesian-welfarism-inflationism. You will champion "sound money."
That is, you will realise that production of goods and services boosts demand - not the production of money. Indeed, not even the production of gold boosts demand. All that happens then is that the price of gold falls - look at the history of Spain and Portugal when they brought gold and silver back to Europe from South America. Spain and Portugal never got rich. And there was inflation throughout Europe. Britain got rich not by digging for gold and silver - but by trading in nutmeg and pepper, and tea, and opium, and tobacco, and sugar, etc.
Increased production of "funny money" is a VERY BAD IDEA.
That is: the size, scope, powers and resources of The State and the politicians must be drastically cut down. Money must be given back to the people - to save and invest, to produce. That is how demand can be permanently boosted and boom-bust cycles avoided forever.
Indeed, the current crisis is BECAUSE OF POLITICS. Central banks and their member banks are collapsing. Politics lies at the root of this crisis.
So, let us NOT GET FOOLED.
Paper notes are just a "money substitute." This is what the "promise to pay the bearer" indicates. Something "hard" is (and always was) real money - GOLD.
So, as the song goes:
I tip my hat to the New Constitution,
Take a bow for the New Revolution,
Smile and grin at the change all around me,
Pick up my guitar and play,
Just like yesterday,
Then I get on my knees and pray:
While that covers widespread miseducation in the USSA, Britain and Germany, let us now turn to our own country.
Did you know that both Amartya Sen and chacha manmohan s gandhi were students of Professor Joan Robinson in Cambridge - who was Keynes' right-hand man, and who made it her "mission to destroy Say's Law"? It was Joan Robinson who cleverly coined the "supply creates its own demand" nonsense.
And, as I wrote the other day:
Without Sound Money - what is the State
but a band of robbers?
Let us now turn to Palaniappan Chidambaram, the Central State Police Minister, whose name has cropped up in the 2G scam. There is a report written by the Political Editor of The Sunday Guardian that says that in the Nira Radia tapes, A Raja told Radia that "PC got a lot of money."
The Central State's Police Minister is corrupt?
And he has been police minister since the 1980s - and there have been no police reforms. Policing has just got worse. Now, road deaths total over 2,00,000 per annum - and the police don't even possess the "knowledge" to fix things.
We must ABOLISH THIS STATE. And replace it with honest civic corporations - one in each city and town.
A Second Republic!
A Republic WITHOUT any police - like the England of old, before Peel set up the Bobby. Like India of the Company, before the Crown passed the Indian Police Act in 1861.
TORTS - which are "crimes against the individual" and for which financial compensation must be paid by the tortfeasor to the victim: this will be better than any "criminal justice system." Anyway, ours doesn't work. And the minister is corrupt. Indeed, the Entire System is Corrupt.
So let us vow to throw the whole thing out, beginning with the Central Bank, and ending with the State Police.
Liberty! Property! Justice! The Pursuit of Happiness, Subjectively Defined!
(This turned out to be a 5-part series on Say's Law. The next post can be read here.)
Brilliant, as usual! Beautifully explained Say's law!