Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Individualistic Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Golden Revolution?

As events unfold in the uprising in Egypt, it seems most likely that some sops will be offered the people, like, say, "elections" in six months, the military and the secret police will continue to rule, and in the end not much will really transpire that will truly liberate the people from this abominable nationalist-socialist tyranny.

Happily, the most excellent non-violent solution to the rebels has been offered in a column titled "Monetary Revolt: The Silver Bullet to Kill a Despised Regime" by Mark R. Crovelli in (where else?). I quote the two most important paragraphs below:

The real reason for these [Egyptian State soldiers and cops] men’s ability to keep their jobs and effectively maintain the Mubarak-inspired police state is that the Egyptian people neglected the most important aspect of protest in the modern world; monetary protest. In the modern world of fiat currencies printed by governments like Mubarak’s, it is not enough to say "get out and stop oppressing us," even if millions of people are saying it. It is not enough to storm the presidential palace and string up the dictator like a hog, as the still-oppressed people of Romania know all too well. It is not enough to demand elections, and it is not enough to demand freedom. Instead, what is ultimately needed is to cut off the beast’s funding and starve it to death. No dictatorship, junta or even republic in the world can survive if it cannot finance itself. The mantra of the revolution ought to have been "Down with Mubarak money!"

The protesters thus ought to have made dumping the Egyptian pound and adopting a non-governmental currency the central plank of their protest. They should have enjoined their fellow countrymen to sell their Mubarak money for gold or silver or anything else that’s real, and the value of the pound would have plummeted instantly and massively, which would have spurred even more selling. The patriots who participated in this monetary revolt would have protected themselves from losses by getting out of the pound, while the traitors to freedom in the regime and those who supported the regime by holding onto Mubarak’s pounds would have lost everything. Moreover, the police and military that are paid with Mubarak’s crooked paper money would see an instant and massive de facto pay decrease. This would have forced Mubarak’s central bank to print even more money to finance the military, police and all other bureaucracies, which would have turned the Egyptian pound into toilet paper. The coup de grĂ¢ce of the monetary racket would then be for the protestors to simply use the worthless paper the junta and Mubarak printed to pay their taxes. A hefty dose of their own crooked monetary medicine would be all that is needed to collapse the regime without even one shot being fired (by the protesters, anyway). 

Crovelli has explained in full - and very well, too - the brief advice that I had tendered the Indian citizenry in a previous post:

The best advice I can offer the citizen is to press for an end to the money monopoly. We must be free to choose media of exchange as well as stores of value. Further, there must not be any taxes or customs duties on gold and silver. We must also be free to write contracts into the future in gold and silver - and this includes bank deposits.

I see little point in mass agitation in India as in Egypt, though our problem is essentially the same: national-socialism, and Nasser was a good pal of Nehru.

The Indian State has over 200 battalions of armed reserve policemen (CRPF) - the very same guys who have shot dead hundreds, if not thousands, of unarmed protestors in Srinagar, Kashmir. Their motto seems to be exactly that of the cruel and ghastly Roman Emperor Caligula - Oderint dum metuant - which translates to "Let them hate, so long as they fear." I do not want to see the blood of innocent citizens being spilled unnecessarily. Rather, I think a "monetary revolt" is what our people should seriously consider. The ability of our The State to fund itself, its mercenary soldiers and its spies, must be ended. That is the best, and an entirely non-violent, approach. Inflationism will be ended forever.

The citizenry have everything to gain - both in terms of financial security as well as Liberty, for the curse of fiat paper is what is impoverishing us, and if our The State's ability to fund all its mercenaries is ended, then Liberty will surely dawn.

Think about it.

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