Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Individualistic Austro-Libertarian Natural Order Philosophy From Indyeah

Monday, April 18, 2011

When NGOs are GOs

I was directed to Tavleen Singh's timely column berating NGOs by a friend's blog. Singh concludes thus:

Incidentally, the greatest patron of NGOs is Sonia Gandhi. She has exalted them to a role in government through her National Advisory Council (NAC). So does the NAC represent civil society or political power? And, can its NGOs account for their funds?

I was discussing this matter of State support for NGOs just the other day when the local newspapers here reported the chief minister of Goa saying that he was willing to give 1 crore (10 million) rupees to anyone who put up a proposal for starting an NGO, provided this was "approved" by his baboos.

It has been well said that "he who pays the piper calls the tune." If NGOs are funded by The State then they are GOs (government organisations) and not NGOs (non-government organisations). This very chief minister, just the other week, donated a huge amount of State money to an "educational institution." Will such an educational institution ever teach what is wrong with socialism, planning and all that? Of course not!

The National Advisory Council surrounding Sonia Gandhi does include some NGOs - and these are run by former bureaucrats. It is they who have an interest in "welfarism."

Tavleen Singh rightly concludes that "a lot of very corrupt people have made lucrative careers out of becoming NGOs."

Beware of them.

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