I recall a colleague in the Economic Times once telling me, “You are a good journalist.” Instead of thanking him for the compliment, I replied, “I am not a journalist. I am a revolutionary.” I don’t write for fun. There is a serious purpose to all this – the overthrow of the regime.
The first “Antidote” column published in ET in 1998 was titled “Revolution Calling!”
I remain singing the same song.
On that happy note, today, I have a podcast for you. In Hindi – the crude Hindi of the streets of Delhi, where I grew up. I recorded it ages ago but never broadcast it, thinking it too obscene. But it just so happened that I heard it again last evening, and found it hilarious, and serious as well. Pretty neat, in fact.
You can play the podcast by clicking here.
I just hope you enjoy it. Happy Diwali.
And as for those who might take grave offence at the language – imagine an Eminem in Hindustani – I have these words from Alice Cooper:
No more Mr. Nice Guy,
No more Mr. Clean,
No more, Mr. Nice Guy,
They say, he’s sick,
He’s obscene.
Push the tempo!
Happy Diwali Chief. India needs revolutionaries of the pen. Rather the world does.