The Great Big Lie of the Inflationist-Welfarists led by chacha manmohan s gandhi is that State Aid is required to "help the poor." Actually, poor refugees from Europe made America the richest place on Earth - because they had Liberty (and Property). And this was BEFORE the dawn of the HORRIBLE 20th Century.
The poor should themselves find the very idea of State Aid INSULTING.
They themselves should demand LIBERTY.
This means the FREEDOM to engage in consensual trades - without let or hindrance from corrupt State Authorities.
Further, the poor should be instructed by activists to realise that this inflationist-welfarism is all a very "false philanthropy" anyway. The State is a broke institution. In many provinces, they cannot even meet their wage bills. The State is just printing paper money to pay for all the bullshit welfare schemes like the MGNREGA, the cheap rice, and the free schools where the kids' brains get dumbed down. This is causing inflation - which ERODES the SAVINGS of the poor. This ERODES the PRECIOUS CAPITAL of the poor. What bloody NONSENSE is this?
Increasing the quantity of money in circulation NEVER makes a nation rich - not even if the money is gold or silver. The Spaniards and the Portuguese plundered South America for gold and silver - and spread inflation throughout Europe. The price of gold and silver fell!
The British, on the other hand, traded. The British bought pepper, nutmeg and other spices from the East and sold them at a high profit in the West. They brought tea into India from China - and sold it in England. They brought sugar from Jamaica, tobacco from Virginia - and it is the British who got rich, not the Spaniards or the Portuguese.
This is the essence of Adam Smith's An Inquiry into the Nature & Causes of the Wealth of Nations
Tp put it another way: The People must produce and sell goods and services and only then will they get rich. If they just increase the amount of money in circulation - even if that money is gold - they will fail miserably.
Now: What are the "Ethics of Liberty"?
Very simple: First and foremost, we must aim at satisfying our Customers, who are our Kings. We must NOT cheat them, but we must try hard at keeping them happy and satisfied, so they keep coming back to us for their particular needs. If we do this - and are allowed to do so - we survive honourably and morally.
Second: When we Spend the Money we have Earned the HARD WAY - then the FUN BEGINS, and we are the Customer, and we are then the King. We must NOT be forced into buying JUNK by Customs Guards paid for by Protectionists. We must demand the BEST goods, the BEST products, the BEST services.
This is why Free International Trade and the Freedom to Trade go hand in hand.
See you all again tomorrow.
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