I met some Gurkhas On Beach Road last night, here in Pondicherry. I yelled out their battle cry:
Now, I first want to address all the Gurkhas of the British Army. You were the guys sent by Margaret Thatcher to regain the Fucklands. You are known as the world's bravest, though littlest, warriors.
What is the MONEY you receive for your services?
It is mere PAPER.
When Roman Emperors debased their coinage, their soldiers demanded - and received - payment in SALT. Thus the word "salary."
You must demand - and receive - your salaries in GOLD COIN.
How can you do that?
I strongly suggest that you tell QE2 to "retire" - gracefully. She knows NOTHING about money and banking. There is only one British aristocrat who knows this subject well, and that is Baroness Margaret Thatcher. She kept the British pound OUT of the Euro. And one of her closest advisors is none other than Professor Jesus Huerta de Soto. Together, they can FIX British money and banking. This was ruined by Robert Peel in 1844. If you install Baroness Thatcher as Queen of England, she can fix everything. She is old - but QE2 is old, too. And QE2 means, in Ben Bernanke's language, "quantitative easing." Now, easing is what we do when we SHIT. If you call a Goan "Goanese," they say, "Go and ease yourself." This Ben Bernanke is "criminally insane" - and he persists in inflating the world. You are extremely fortunate you don't work for the American Army. So let Queen Margaret take over - and serve her loyally, just as you did over the Fucklands. She has read a lot of Hayek - and she recommended Hayek's Law, Legislation & Liberty
I have just read in the newspapers of heads rolling in Scotland Yard. They are all the PC Goons of the Enid Blyton books, the dumbest cops in the world, what with Rizla being headquartered in the UK. I strongly advise Queen Margaret to also read Professor Bruce L Benson's The Enterprise of Law: Justice Without The State
Now, I would like to address all the British officers who command all these brave Gurkhas.
In the Merrie Olde England of Yore, there was no such thing as a "crime against The State." All "crimes" were "crimes against individuals" - and these were treated as Torts. Thus, the "convicted criminal" had to pay financial compensation to his Victim. This WAS English Justice.
Now, I would like to address the Gurkhas of the Indian Army. The money you guys receive is EVEN WORSE - and inflationism is making all our poor people poorer. Now, the current President of India, a woman by the name of Pratibha Patil, who is also your Commander-in-Chief, knows NOTHING about money and banking, for she used to run a "co-operative bank" - and it went BUST. All her depositors lost money. So, if you want to be paid in GOLD COIN, like the Gurkhas of the British Army, I suggest you simultaneously declare Queen Margaret of England as Empress of India, so she can work her magic here as well, and also render us police-free, so that the Blessed Laws of Olde England govern all our lives here. We will have Liberty - and Property - and money will be Property, too. We will be covered by Torts. And all our Contracts will be preserved.
I now turn to the Gurkhas of the Hindu Kingdom of Nepal. When I first visited Kathmandu, King Birendra ruled - and Kathmandu was one of the freest cities in the world. There was Freak Street. Not any more. The new king seems to be a moron - and he is getting Maoist "democracy" into the act. All you guys must FIGHT against this. For Freedom. For Property. For Gold Coins as money. The man in Kathmandu who can GUIDE you very well is Rakesh Wadhwa, a three-time Frederic Bastiat award-winning journalist, who also happens to be the Managing Director of the Everest Casino. Give him The Microphone. Let him give you guidance and direction. Tell all the morons to SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Finally, the Gurkhas of Gurkhaland. You need free trade in used SUVs. That is how old Toyota taxis plied in King Birendra's Kathmandu. And old Land-Rovers plied on the Hill Cart Road in 1964, when I attended boarding school in Kurseong.
Get an airport going. Get direct access to the SEA - via Bangladesh. And tell the Bangladeshis that GOLD COINS are the only sunnah money in Islam. And tell Rakesh to set up a casino in Darjeeling. It is very good for tourism.
Fight for Freedom.
And when you guys lunge forward, khukris drawn, shouting GURKHALI AAYO RAY - may the enemy SHIT IN HIS PANTS.
Now, that is the kind of QUANTITATIVE EASING the whole world needs, big time.
And may God bless all of you.
[The picture accompanying this post is of Gurkhas of the British Army, with many thanks to Google Images.]
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