Today, I will discuss the Corruption of The Law; and this is particularly relevant because chacha's hand-picked, chosen "human resource destruction" minister is a socialist lawyer. In any case, what "human resource" are they talking about when all the minds of all the kids are being poisoned with the gloom of the "population problem"?
It has been my proud privilege to have influenced some students of Law from SDM Law College, Mangalore, who invited me to lecture there. One of them, in fact, won the All-India Moot Court Competition, and would certainly have made an excellent lawyer. I gave them much to read, including, of course, Frederic Bastiat's classic essay The Law
, with my foreword. None of these good boys joined the legal profession. They said the profession itself was corrupt.
The Law is corrupted when we confuse it with Democratic Legislation. Law is eternal, and universal; and true Law is all about Property. Legislation is man-made, passed in a "house of representatives" by the majority of the day; and legislation is forever changing. There is no "Certainty of the Law" with legislation. Indeed, our Constitution itself has been amended some 100 times in 50 years; likewise, even the Representation of People Act is not what it used to be.
And this Socialist Constitution does not uphold Private Property. Thus, instead of protecting Property, our The State engages in ceaseless violations of what is ours. This is how The State becomes a thief. As Bastiat put it in his opening remarks, "the Law becomes guilty of the very crimes it is supposed to punish." This is what Socialism is all about: what Bastiat called "legal plunder." Indira Gandhi legally plundered Air India, banks, insurance companies and coal mines from their "rightful owners." And Parliament passed all the Acts of Nationalisation.
But it doesn't stop there.
Legislation is the Instrument of Socialist Interventionism. Each and every piece of legislation aims at "social engineering." Thus, the license-permit raj was based on an Industries (Development & Regulation) Act. Similarly, it is the Telecom Regulation Act that has caused the 2G scam. Regulation, as Professor Deepak Lal pointed out, is their "New Dirigisme."
Similarly, the evil prohibition of ganja is because of some such Act of Parliament. All this evil socialist legislation is in violation of Property. All this legislation takes away our Liberty.
Similarly, the evil prohibition of ganja is because of some such Act of Parliament. All this evil socialist legislation is in violation of Property. All this legislation takes away our Liberty.
And things get worse: these corrupt both the bureaucracy as well as Democracy itself. Bureaucrats get "empowered" to intervene in The Market. They call it "regulation of the market" but it is really "regulation of people." In effect, these socialist-democrats do not know what "civil services" are meant for. It is noteworthy that they renamed the Indian Civil Service and it became the Indian Administrative Service. There is nothing "civilian" under Socialism. There is no "civilisation" either, as we can all see.
Democracy is likewise corrupted. No longer are Members of Parliament "representatives of constituencies." Rather, they all become representatives of some "special interest group" or the other. One represents steel, another represents mining, another fertilisers - and this is how they corrupt the working of all the "parliamentary committees." Constituencies lie neglected - and we can see this all around us. Votes are bought and sold. The public choice literature calls it "log rolling" - but it might be better to call it "vote trading."
This is particularly true of the Democracy of the USSA. PJ O'Rourke's Parliament of Whores
is a must read. O'Rourke is HL Mencken Fellow of Cato Institute and also Foreign Affairs editor of Rolling Stone magazine. All you rockers out there should read all his books. In particular, Bono, who is being misled about Third World poverty by Jeffrey Sachs.
Serious students should read both the books Ludwig von Mises has written against interventionism, pointing out how it leads inevitably to Socialism and also how it corrupts Democracy. It is because of interventionism that the USA has become the USSA. General Motors has been nationalised!
This is particularly true of the Democracy of the USSA. PJ O'Rourke's Parliament of Whores
Serious students should read both the books Ludwig von Mises has written against interventionism, pointing out how it leads inevitably to Socialism and also how it corrupts Democracy. It is because of interventionism that the USA has become the USSA. General Motors has been nationalised!
Now, lawyers are themselves a "special interest group." And they are particularly dangerous because they are a "self-regulating profession" - like MBBS doctors. Lawyers teach lawyers, and only lawyers become judges. And what do you think they teach? They teach the ugly lie that democratic legislation is true Law. This is "legal positivism." Utter crap. It is this that corrupts the Law and empowers all the interventionists. Predators, all.
And chacha has chosen one of these miseducated socialist lawyers to teach all the kids; that too, by FORCE.
Is he not guilty of the very crime that poor ol' Socrates was executed for by Athenian Democracy: "Corrupting the minds of the youth"?
Stay tuned for the concluding part of this Prosecution. Part 5 will appear tomorrow, Inshallah.
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