Now, I have been receiving mail, SMS as well as phone calls from assholes complaining about the SEXUAL stuff that is now appearing on this Antidote Blog. There is also a very rude, pseudonymous comment - and I have published this rude, pseudonymous comment, by The Devil's Advocate. Today, I would like to address this issue.
First and foremost, there is nothing vulgar or pornographic about the sexual stuff on this blog. Rather, it is beautiful. It talks about LOVE - physical love. And its inspiration is Aum Mani Padme Hun - which means "The Jewel is in the Divine Coitus." There is nothing vulgar or obscene about this. If our parents had not done this stuff, we wouldn't be here. And I have tried very hard to be EDUCATIVE - with special posts for all my Rock-n-Roll Children, first, telling them how to maintain their Rock-n-Roll Equipment; and then, how to actually do this Rocking and Rolling, such that the Coitus is Truly Divine, and this great big metaphysical Jewel is found, and that, too, by BOTH partners in this Divine Exercise.
Second, all of you must read Paul Johnson's excellent book titled Intellectuals
In this excellent book, Johnson has compiled brief biographies of many, many complete assholes, who wrote completely stupid books on how "society" could be better "organised" - and all their stupid books led the world astray. There is Rousseau, Marx, Sarte and more.
Now, the biography of Rousseau mentions that this asshole actually wrote pornography - and his pornography "excited" all the French, and so they went on to read all his other stupid books too. And thereby, they destroyed their nations.
The French have had Five FUCKING Republics - and the French have NEVER tasted Liberty. The French have adored Rousseau's porn - and the French have never heard of Frederic Bastiat; nor have they heard of Jean-Baptiste Say, the "Adam Smith of France." And, I saw a photograph once, of the Great Parade in Paris at the Inauguration of one of these FIVE French Republics - and it showed a massive bust of Rousseau, with a Laurel Wreath around his head, being paraded through this Fair City. In Geneva, there is a massive statue of Rousseau. And if the French ever read Bastiat's brief The Law
When Margaret Thatcher spoke in Paris once, and told the audience there that her favourite economist was a Frenchman called Frederic Bastiat, she was ASTONISHED to find that NONE in the audience had ever heard of this great man.
And as for Jean-Baptiste Say, whose "Say's Law of Markets" is vital, essential knowledge for the whole of humanity, Mark Skousen reports, in his wonderful The Making of Modern Economics: The Lives & Ideas of the Great Thinkers, that when he visited Say's grave in Paris, he found it all lying in neglect, covered up in weeds, while the entire populace hung around Jim Morrison's grave nearby.
Skousen reports that he actually had to clean up Say's grave, in order to take a photograph of himself there - and this photograph graces this book, which has many other wonderful photographs, besides.
If you want to understand Jean-Baptiste Say's "Law of Markets" in a nutshell, I recommend my column, which you can find here. He was a Great Frenchman - known as the "Adam Smith of France."
Paul Johnson's Intellectuals
Now, when I started off writing this Daily Blog over three years ago, I made myself a promise. I promised myself that within 5 years, my blog would enjoy far higher readership than any newspaper editorial. And I still have 2 years to go. In this Internet World, the readership is international, and it expands with each passing day. I rarely check the statistics, but the graph shows a STEEPLY RISING CURVE. And this makes me feel very good, indeed. And so, I go on and on and on. When I began this Antidote Blog three years ago, when I wrote my FIRST POST, I had ZERO FOLLOWERS. And, today, I have 172 FOLLOWERS, and this number is forever rising. I am confident that there is NO "DEMOCRATIC" POLITICIAN in India who can line up 172 "intellectual followers." And as for the rest of the world, there is only ONE politician who can compete with me, and probably beat me hollow, too, and that is Ron Paul, the Great US Congressman from Texas; and Ron Paul is well over 70 years old, and he has been a "Misesian" and a "Rothbardian" for over 30 long years. And I hope that I will have a long time to go. As the great Jethro Tull song goes:
Life is a Long Song
If more and more eyeballs read your stuff, you succeed, and your ideas DOMINATE the whole world.
And that is the DIRECTION in which I am headed, and I have called it:
Rebel Without A Cause
In a Porsche Carrera
235 kmph
Headlong to My Death
Rocking and Rolling All Over The World
keep rockin